5 Best Kidney specialist doctors in Bara Bazar - Kolkata, West Bengal

Dr Pratim Sengupta
Top Kidney specialist doctors in Bara Bazar - Kolkata, West Bengal. All Kidney specialist doctors featured here have been carefully evaluated by our expert team & technology based on several key factors, including business age, trustworthiness, reputation, excellence, service quality, authentic customer reviews, genuine feedback, pricing, and overall value for money. These businesses represent the most reliable choices as "Kidney specialist doctors near me" in your local search results. Verified businesses are marked with a verified badge, ensuring they are dependable and trustworthy. We update their contact and business information regularly to maintain accuracy and relevance.



18, JC Block Ln, JC Block, Sector 3, Bidhannagar, Kolkata, West Bengal 700098, India
Near by : National Towers

Nephrology is a medical discipline that deals with diagnosis, treatment and management of kidney diseases. The Nephrology outpatient service for Patients with kidney disease, including acute and chronic kidney disease.

Diabetic Kidney Disease, Hypertension, Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome, Dialysis Catheter Insertion, Interventional Nephrology, Kidney biopsy, Chronic and acute kidney disease,

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Last Update:
2024-04-20 10:00:31